
During the hottest part of the year I decided to go inside and work for a bit.

I saw these really neat State & National Park maps on Etsy and made my own version.

First I printed an outline of the USA & Texas in Poster mode. Did you guys know about Poster mode? I sure didn't until now. It's perfect for printing large things. 

I taped carbon paper down underneath the outline and traced it. Then I used my wood burning pen to trace the outline. 

I wanted to do little symbols of each national park instead of trees so I did a deep dive into what made each national park special and printed a copy of it. 

For the Texas State parks map I used the star tip of the wood burn pen, then printed out a word document with all the park names written on it. This was so time consuming - but the end result was worth it!

Looks good! Now to visit them all... 


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